Teversal (H): Match Report

by Dave Mackenzie

On a great day for football, no wind and a little rain to add some zip to the pace of the ball the reserves welcomed a resurgent Teversal to the Don Amott.

Starting 11: Maher, Hoult, Smith, Chollerton, Sellors, Atwall, Pennington, Liam Carter, Powell, Mas-Hall and Tudgay. After 2 unexpected defeats and 4 players away with the first team changes were made and we welcomed back Louis Pennington in midfield.

A brisk start was asked for and that is what was served up with Pennington and Atwall pulling the strings with Smith and Chollerton solid at the back the reserves took early control of the game. This allowed foraging runs by Hoult on the right and penetrating dribbles from Powell on the left as they started to find their range with a rasping shot from Powell only 10 foot over.

The first goal was not long in coming with good link up play from Atwall and Hoult that set Carter free. He showed great composure outpacing the defender and drawing the keeper out before rolling the ball into the net – a very good goal.

Like any good team when you get the first that is just that – you go for a second and it came from a delightful strike from young (they all are) Mason Tudgay whose shot went high across the keeper from about 18 yards at the corner of the box.

Teversal were also playing their part but they were confined to some long range shots which Maher handled well.

A third was on the cards and again it came from Liam Carter again showing great composure and that you don’t need to burst the net. He placed his shot carefully out of the reach of the keeper and 3-0 it was.

After a delay for an injured Teversal player they actually had a couple of good chances to get one back but lady luck was on our side for a change.

The message was “more of the same please” however Teversal came out the blocks with all guns blazing and the pressure that was applied just before the intermission was applied again. The aforementioned lady (Luck) was still on our side as the Teversal #9 (I think squandered a virtual tap in by blasting the ball hide wide and ugly.

The game settled down for a bit but Teversal continued to press and the pressure paid off with a couple of goals after some slack play they got one back and then a second.Atwall brought a great save out from a free kick which would have sealed the 3 points and the introduction of Donker up front gave us a bit more physicality.

Although there was some squeaky bum time the defence marshalled by Smith and Cholerton aided by Hoult and Sellors held firm to see out the game.

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