Category: Club News

Player Insight: Paddy Webb

by Peter Scherer

Paddy Webb came to Mickleover FC in late 2019, a well proven goalscorer in lower leagues, making the step up to NPL action.

I had always hoped to be a footballer as it’s always been and always will be a huge part of my life. I like to think realistically and knew it isn’t as easy as people sometimes make out. If I was to make a full-time career out of it, then brilliant. If not then I will always enjoy whatever level I play at.

Although he is from Nottingham he joined Derby County.

I joined Derby when I was 13 and had two seasons there, some highs and some lows. It was an easy decision for me though, as I had been messed around a few times by Forest Academy both before and after my Derby days.

Is he still a Forest fan though?

Yes Forest ‘til I die, but no love lost for their Academy,

He then went to Mansfield Town for a while, before dropping into the lower leagues where his prolific goalscoring feats were noticed by Mickleover.

I hit the ground running at Mickleover last season. I found the step difficult as an all-round player, but knew if I got the opportunities I would do what I was brought in to do.

Unfortunately both season have been cut short, when I was getting into goals coring form.

He is seen mainly as a target striker down the middle, but favours running on to the long ball.

Being left footed I was always utilised on the left wing by most of my managers. But a few years ago I told my manager I wanted to play down the middle.

I would never regard myself as an amazing all-round player, however I do think my style of play has added a different dimension to the team and a few more goals.

So being the runner down the middle is his position of choice?

Definitely happier there yes. I love the ball in behind where I can stretch the defence. It opens the game up and utilises my strengths, freeing up the pitch for the ball players.

We’ve got lots of talent in the team on the ball too, which I believe always needs someone who’s going to make the runs to allow them to play.

What does he feel is the strongest part of his own game?

Although I hit a rough patch at the start of this season, I still consider my best attribute to be my finishing. With a full season and the backing of the manager, I believe I could score 20 plus.

 But away from football what does he like doing? 

I work in construction management, which accommodates a part time degree. With my football it’s a very busy life. Ultimately though it’s a life I enjoy and is fairly rewarding.

If my footballing career never went any higher than this, I would still love to play at this level alongside my day job.

When I am not playing, I’m watching it, which drives my girlfriend mad. I love getting out at the weekend, taking the dog out, which can be rare as it’s normally football on a Saturday. In some ways it’s been nice to have a break, as it’s not something we would normally do in the winter.

You have been doing zoom sessions with the rest of the players during Lockdown, does that help with team spirit?

The sessions are great but I don’t think the team spirit would die even without them. This is the best dressing room I’ve been involved in, as there are no big egos, just a group of players who play for each other and the manager. It makes winning games all the better.

So what do you normally do before a match?

I try and relax, eat right and prepare myself mentally. I’m not ashamed to say I get nervous before every game, a fear of underperforming and letting the team down is only natural for me. I suppose it’s a good thing as I always want to do the best for them and myself.

We know it’s been a short season again, but are you surprised how well it’s gone?

After the first few games I was being honest. However once we got that first win and I saw what we could do, our work rate was far too good for most teams we played. It’s amazing how simple and effective a bit of hard work can be. Moments of quality from everyone then shine through and produce results.

 So what have you missed most during Lockdown’s?

Everything. I need a holiday, a pint, a meal out, a football match, you name it. The sooner we are back to normal the better.

What are your fondest memories from your career so far?

New Years Day against Stafford Rangers away. Being my first game for Mickleover I was bricking it. Coming away with a 1-0 win and the goal, was what I was dreaming of the night before. I don’t think I’ve ever had a greater relief than hearing that final whistle.

FA Statement: An update on Steps 3-6 of the NLS 

The FA’s Alliance and Leagues Committees have now considered the large amount of data and information submitted by clubs across the National League System (NLS) Steps 3-6 as part of a survey to gather views on the continuation or conclusion of the 2020-21 league season, in addition to the information set out in the Government’s roadmap this week. 

Submissions were made by 99.1% of clubs at Steps 3 and 4, and 95.8% of clubs at Steps 5 and 6. We would like to thank the clubs for submitting their views and the time taken in providing responses during what we appreciate is an incredibly challenging period for everyone. The results of the survey showed that over 76% of all clubs across Steps 3-6 indicated a preference to curtail the 2020-21 league season if it could not be restarted with limited spectator numbers and hospitality before 1 April 2021. 

During this process, taking into account views of clubs and leagues it was decided that extending the 2020-21 league season beyond the end of May 2021 would not be a viable option. This was due to various considerations, including the financial implications for many clubs, player contracts and the extent of the fixture scheduling issues caused by the national lockdown and various postponements which had resulted in there being 81% of matches left to complete for Steps 3 and 4, and 75% at Steps 5 and 6. 

Taking into account the survey results and the ongoing impact of Covid-19, which continues to adversely affect incomes for clubs due to restrictions on both spectators and hospitality, The FA’s Alliance and Leagues Committees have reached a consensus that subject to the approval of FA Council, the 2020-21 league season for Steps 3-6 of the NLS should be curtailed with immediate effect, with no further league matches taking place this season. 

The Committees will now present their collective recommendations to The FA Council for ratification. 

It has also been decided that subject to FA Council’s decision regarding the curtailment of the season at Steps 3 to 6, both committees will revisit discussions around a potential restructure at Steps 4-6 of the NLS, which was previously agreed and has been on hold since the 2019-20 season. A further update on this will be provided in due course. 

Lottery Winner Martin Receives Winning Prize

One of our Supporter’s Lottery winners, Martin De Saeger, was presented with his winning prize this week – a Calvin Klein watch!

For just £2 per week you can help Mickleover FC by signing up for this great cause with great prizes!

You can now sign up online

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Player Insight: James Butler

by Peter Scherer

James Butler was one of the new pre-season signings for Mickleover FC, a reliable and hardworking central defender, with a good pedigree.

James’ father Tony  was also a defender, with over 500 senior games under his belt in a 15 year career, spanning Gillingham, Blackpool, Port Vale, West Bromwich Albion and Bristol City.

I have always wanted to be a pro-footballer, and with my Dad having played, I grew up around it and wanted to follow in his footsteps in making a pro career.

I want to get back into the full time game one day, but at the moment I am very happy at Mickleover and excited to see what we can do next season.

Cheshire born he started out at Nantwich Town.

I joined Stoke City when I was 10 years old, after being scouted at Nantwich, they asked me to go for a trial.

After about six weeks they told me that they wanted me to sign and from then on I just worked my way through the age groups.

I left Stoke when I was 19, so I had been there almost 10 years, so it was hard because that’s all I had ever known. Training over there four to five times aweek as a schoolboy after school, and then being there on a daily basis once I went full time.

So yeah, leaving a club I spent so much of my life at, but I am glad things turned out the way they did, because I wouldn’t be where I am today otherwise.

He hasn’t always been a defender though.

When I was about six or seven I was a right winger and I wasn’t bad there, as ultimately no six year old wants to be a centre half.

It didn’t take long for me to move to centre back though, so I can’t have been as good a winger as I thought.

My Dad would always tell me that I was going to end up there, as he was a centre half and I’m glad I listened to him now, as I am not really built to be a winger and lack a bit of pace to be out there too.

You seem to quite critical of your own performances on occasions, is that part of your game?

I’ve always been quite critical of myself and my performances, because there are very few games where you can come off afterwards and think, I couldn’t have done any better today.

I always try to watch games back to see where I could do better, if it’s the smallest thing I try and take that thought into the next game, so that I am constantly improving and progressing.

The gaffer is a great help as well, he’ll send me clips from the game to show me things I’ve done well and things I could have done better, so that’s a massive help for me.

Away from football what does he like doing? 

I am working Monday to Friday, but in my spare time I like going out with friends, whether that’s for food or a drink. I also enjoy going to the gym whenever I can, so being closed at the moment is annoying.

You have been doing zoom sessions with the rest of the players during Lockdown, does that help with team spirit?

Yes the zooms have been really good. Full credit to Watty as he’s there every session and puts a great workout on. I think they help massively with keeping us close as a team too, but I think we are as close as any team anyway. I have never played in a team that is as close as we are and that’s obviously shown on the pitch this season.

So what do you normally do before a match?

As I am working the day before a game, I usually go to the gym after work and do a light session, then I tend to chill out at home so I am ready for the game.

We know it’s been a short season again, but are you surprised how well it’s gone?

Before the season started I would never have guessed we’d be top of the league at this stage, because being a new signing I obviously hadn’t seen any of the other lads play before. But once we got started training and playing together and I saw what good players we have here and you could tell we were going to be right up there.

Hopefully next season we can build on what we’ve started this year and do what we’re on course for this season, getting promoted.

What are your fondest memories from your career so far?

The best is when I was on loan at Kidsgrove and we got to the last qualifying round of the FA Cup, playing Hartlepool away.

We lost 1-0 but we got clapped off the pitch by their fans. That led to another memory, because after that game I got a loan move to Hartlepool which was good experience for me.

Player Insight: Kemy Agustien

by Peter Scherer

Kemy Agustien joined Mickleover FC towards the end of last season. A skilful and strong central midfielder and free kick specialist, having represented Curacao as a full international and played Premiership football in the UK, Netherlands and Denmark.

My only option was being a footballer. I never liked school and football was the easiest and quickest way to help my family and put food on the table.

He was born in the Netherlands Antilles, but moved to the Netherlands at the age of four.

I started my football in Holland. When I was six I joined the local club Willem II, I was the only one so young. A neighbour of mine worked as a driver for the club, picking up players from their homes to go training.

He saw me playing outside the house everyday and then asked the coach if I could come and train with them. Normally you need to get scouted, but after only one session I wasn’t allowed to leave any more.

He had played for the Netherlands at junior international levels, but made got his first full cap for Curacao.

My heart was always with Curacao and when the opportunity came and Patrick Kluivert was the manager, it was a simple decision to make.

As well as playing Premiership football in the UK, he also played at the top level in the Netherlands, Scotland, Wales, Denmark and the Philippines, before his long career brought him to Mickleover.

The Mickleover move came about when I met Jonah Jones during a training session for our boys at Aston Villa. Then I found that Bevbatov was playing at Mickleover too, because I played with him at Wrexham.

After speaking with Bev I had a meeting with the Gaffer. We spoke about football but more importantly we spoke about everything outside football too, and that’s where I could see his man management was spot on.

We always known Kemy as a midfield general sort of player, but he’s played elsewhere too.

I used to be a winger when I started. Then they put me at Centre Half, where I played a couple of games against my will, and then told them it they’re not playing me in midfield anymore, I’m not coming.

The next game I was in midfield, scored a couple of goals and never left that position again.

Who does Kemy rate as the best manager he has played under? 

Brendan Rogers at Swansea, Van Gaal and Kluivert, plus Macca has got the qualities to reach the top too. But Rogers and Kluivert’s man management was unbelievable they made sure everything outside football was good. As we know if a player is happy and doesn’t have to think about stuff on the pitch, he’ll do the job for you on there.

But away from football what does he like doing? 

Spend time with my family, my kids are my everything, especially having grown up without a father figure. I want to make sure I am with them, making memories for life.

You have been doing zoom sessions with the rest of the players during Lockdown, does that help with team spirit?

Yes Philly is killing me every time. Not a joke and keep shouting at the rest. Footballers only need one yard, it’s not about running it’s about football and thinking. But joking aside, it’s always nice catching up with everybody.

So what do you normally do before a match?

I’m always chilled and relaxed. I don’t have a specific thing, just follow what my heart says.

We know it’s been a short season again, but are you surprised how well it’s gone?

To be honest I am not surprised. We have a good mix of hunger and quality. I mean we can fight and do the dirty side, especially UPSIDE DOWN! But on the same hand I think we are the best football playing team as well. So if we combine this, then I have to say that we could be unstoppable.

So what have you missed most during Lockdown’s?

Nutmegging, especially Stiffler (Ravenhill).

What are your fondest memories from your career so far?

Man of the match for playing against Manchester United, with only three hours sleep the night before, as I didn’t expect to be playing.

Player Insight: George Milner

by Peter Scherer

George Milner was another close season signing for Mickleover FC, an attacking midfielder with a never say die attitude.

I have always wanted to be a professional footballer and luckily enough I achieved that dream in 2017 when I moved to Norway. Even though it was only for one year I ultimately still want to get back into full time football, but right now I am loving every minute at Mickleover.

 Born and bred in the north of the county, George started out at Stockport County.

I was there from seven to 14 but then their Academy closed as the club went into administration. Then I had trials with four or five clubs, but got told on many occasions that I was too small.

I was lucky at the age of 16 as Chesterfield took me on and offered me a youth team contract.

 He had always been a striker in his early days.

Yes I had, but I started to play in midfield when I was in Norway. Then was upfront and midfield when I was at Belper Town last season.

I feel I have found my position here at Mickleover, with the formation we play. I’m happy to play anywhere the gaffer wants me to play. It’s getting the game time that is so important to me.

A lot of people say the same thing about me, I have always been like I am, always giving 100% no matter what I’m doing, if its playing football or in everyday life. I’m a big believer in the saying, “Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard.”

But away from football what does he like doing? 

I like to play golf or go to the pub or restaurants with friends and family. I do like a night out every now and again, but don’t like getting up the next day with a bad hangover.

You have been doing zoom sessions with the rest of the players during Lockdown, does that help with team spirit?

Yeah the zoom workout’s have been class for our fitness, but it also helped by keeping in touch with everyone and the banter is always flying about no matter what.

We all wish Phil Watt could learn something different to squat though!

So what do you normally do before a match?

I’m normally working the day before, but when I get home I usually just make my tea, give the house a clean, then just chill out and relax, maybe watch some TV.

We know it’s been a short season again, but are you surprised how well it’s gone?

In a way I am not surprised we are doing so well, because I could tell from the first session of pre-season that we have a lot of quality players at Mickleover.

It’s more the people outside the club that are probably surprised that we are top of the table.

So what have you missed most during Lockdown’s?

Football wise I have missed the games obviously. Also being around a changing room with the lads, with the banter flying about. Not missed Andrew Wright (also know as ANDY, or Rolland) though.

Outside of football I have missed going to my parents house for a Sunday dinner or a cup of tea. I really miss being able to socialise with my friends and having them round at my house too.

My fondest footballing memories are making my professional debut in Norway for Valdres in front of 6,000 fans and then with Belper Town plying away to Notts County in the FA Cup October 2019.

Player Insight: Andrew Wright

by Peter Scherer

Andrew Wright came to Mickleover FC in late 2019, a hardworking midfielder, who always has an eye for the goal.

Ever since I remember I was always involved in football. My Dad and Grandad really put it all into perspective for me and became something I always dreamed of doing.

He comes from Mansfield originally but started his junior football at Chesterfield.

I had been released by Chesterfield and joined Lincoln City at the age of 14/15 after being offered a trial, which led to six enjoyable years there.

He is known for his powerful runs from midfield, but has he always played there?

When I started at Chesterfield I was a centre forward. As everyone knows I love scoring goals, but when I signed for Lincoln I wanted to get more involved in football matches, so moved back into centre midfield and centre attacking midfield.

It clear that you are happy taking a shot on goal from most angles and at any distance?

It’s always been part of my game, as there’s no better feeling than scoring. So every chance I get to try and score I do. I work a lot on trying to strike the ball as cleanly as possible, so the chances I get from outside  of the box I enjoy the most.

But away from football what does he like doing? 

I like to go for a walk now and again when the weather is good. Catching up with the lads over a few beers, watching footy and I also like watching Motorcycle racing and F1. I work as a plumber though, so I’m always very busy.

You have been doing zoom sessions with the rest of the players during Lockdown, does that help with team spirit?

It’s been tough but rewarding. Watty has been a class addition to the team this year and for him to get us all on his sessions and motivate us like he is, has been spot on.

I feel it’s definitely kept us close as a team and we have also done an upside down head Gorge Milner quiz on zoom over a few beers, so that was a good relaxing call for us all. Overall the mood is good in the squad and the lads touch base every day.

So what do you normally do before a match?

I’m usually working the day before, but in the evening I like to go have tea with my Grandma and chill out, so I am ready and raring to on Saturday.

We know it’s been a short season again, but are you surprised how well it’s gone?

I am yes, but we knew what talent we had in the dressing room. The Gaffer has always recruited good footballers at the club and so we knew we would be in and around the top. To be at the top of the league though is brilliant for the club and the group of players as a whole, keeping spirits up through Lockdown and a massive statement to where we want to be next season, or of if this one carries on.

So what have you missed most during Lockdowns?

Waking up on a Saturday morning with a game lined up in the afternoon. Also training and a chance to break the week up and catch up with the lads a few times a week,

What are your fondest memories from your career so far?

It was signing my first professional contract at Lincoln City. A very special moment for me and my family.

Player Insight: Alex Morris

by Peter Scherer

Alex Morris was another close season signing at Mickleover FC, a solid defending left back, with a flair for the overlap.

As a kid it was always my dream to become a professional footballer. I have no regrets over it not happening, as I love playing non-league football, and really enjoy my job as a PE teacher, so wouldn’t change a thing.

Hailing from the Potteries, Alex’s talents were soon spotted by one of his two main local league clubs, Port Vale.

I was nine when I was scouted in a game with my local club. There is still a group of about eight of us who had been together at the club from nine to 18 years of age. Some of them are still playing there now and we are all close mates and talk everyday still.

Although primarily a left wing back, did he ever have aspirations to play elsewhere?

Yes, I would love to say I played up front, but I can’t score for the life of me. l always liked getting forward and contributing with a few assists, but I take most pride in keeping clean sheets. Defending is the first job, if I can go forward and attack, that’s a bonus.

But away from football what does he like doing? 

Anything that involves sport, meeting up with my mates at the pub and seeing as much of the world as possible. All of which has not been happening recently.

You have been doing zoom sessions with the rest of the players during Lockdown, does that help with team spirit?

Massively yes. We’ve got a great group of lads and that’s reflected with how well we’ve been playing.

So what do you normally do before a match?

I’m working normally, but then usually chill out on the Friday evening. It’s the only time my girlfriend sees me over the weekend, so I tend to stay in.

We know it’s been a short season again, but are you surprised how well it’s gone?

It’s my first season up at this level, so I didn’t really know what to expect.  We did well in pre-season, so knew we wouldn’t be far off. We will give it a good go next season for sure!

So what have you missed most during Lockdown’s?

Normal weekends. I love waking up on a Saturday morning, watching soccer am with a couple of oat cakes, then head off to the football.

What are your fondest memories from your career so far?

I’ve had a few good ones. We went on a good FA Cup run while I was at Kidsgrove, but I love nothing more than winning a Derby game, or beating one of my old clubs.

Player Insight: Phil Watt

by Peter Scherer

Phil Watt was one of the summer signings for Mickleover FC and quickly established himself as a solid and reliable defender, goalscorer and proud Yorkshireman.

We got married three years ago in Las Vegas, I absolutely love travelling. We have a six year old daughter and a baby on the way in June.

I’m a self-employed personal trainer, doing online coaching and classes to help people stay motivated, keeping the mind and body healthy.

Had he always hoped to be a footballer?

Yeah, always dreamed of either being a footballer also a cowboy when I was a kid.

Born and bred in Rotherham, Phil joined his local club as a youngster.

I was with them from eight or nine years, they scouted me when we played a five a side tournament at Millmoor (Rotherham Utd’s old ground) with my school, which we went on to win.

Playing centre back now, but as he always played there?

I actually started as a centre forward, then played at the back a few games and ended up staying there.

But as a defender he has also scored some valuable goals this season.

I always like to chip in with a goal or two. My best tally in a season was nine, but with the quality of the lads taking set pieces here, I was hoping I would get to the 10 goal mark this season. Nearly half way there already and just hope we get to carry on.

Away from his football Phil has been a successful fitness trainer for a number of years.

I’ve been doing it over 13 years and I enjoy every moment of it. There’s not a better feeling than to help people achieve what they’ve always wanted and transform their lives.

It helps me with my football too and keeps me on top of my fitness when I am not playing.

So has he helped train anyone famous?

Yes I train Paralympic Table Tennis Gold Medal Olympian Will Bayley who was also on Strictly Come Dancing.

He has also been doing his bit with the rest of the Mickleover squad too during the Lockdown’s.

Yes we have been doing zoom sessions twice a week and the lads and to be fair the gaffer too, are all looking really fit. So I’m always making sure I’m finding ways to push them to their limits and take it to another level.

We want to be ready for when we get out of Lockdown and if we get the season restarted soon, if not we’ll be looking great on the beach.

Does he have a pre-match routine?

I would normally be quite busy working and putting people through fitness sessions before the weekend. Then Friday night disco with my daughter, you want to stay quite chilled, but a six year old won’t allow that.

After such a successful start to the year, as it come as a surprise?

Yes and no. With the quality of the lads and coaches here, I’m not surprised to see us doing so well.

I wouldn’t have thought we would be top with some of the teams and the budgets they’ve got in this league. It just shows though, if you have the quality and the hard work it goes a long way.

All footballers have a fondest memory, so what’s Watty’s?

Probably scoring the winning goal for Belper Town in the play-off final, unfortunately that was against Mickleover.

Happy Lottery Winner Receives Birds Prize

One of our Supporter’s Lottery winners, Malcolm Salt, was presented with his winning prize this week – £60 Birds Bakery vouchers and some Mickleover chocolates!

For just £2 per week you can help Mickleover FC by signing up for this great cause with great prizes!

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